Hi, I am Paulina Julia.
Designer, artist and woman.

I care about stories that need to be told and embody them through the visual language of design, art and dance.

Designer | Artist | Woman

I am inspired by the beauty and aliveness of all things. My intention is to gain a grasp on the intangible essence of reality and support others to find a unique visual language of their own.

I help to facilitate this exploration through dance, art, and workshops. I believe in my bones that we all have stories to tell, dances to dance and songs to scream. I also believe that it keeps us truly alive to follow this pursuit of internal knowing and allow the path to unfold for itself.

Since 2015, I have been prolifically creating visual communication for brands, individuals and organisations. For the last 3 years, I actively took the decision to solely work with clients I truly feel aligned with. It has been an integral part of my process, supporting ideas that my heart relishes to manifest into form.

My calling is translation essence and ideas into visual language.

My offerings

Examples of my forms of creation and some of the work I have done.
Always open and ready for new ideas, paths or creatures.

  • Books design

    Covers of books, music albums or small zines. Poetry books, rituals books, printed instructions for speaking to trees. I love print, am crazy about beautiful papers and perfect ink tone.

  • Visual identity

    Visual identity is a whole visual language of the brand. It is a collection of visual elements that serve to represent it, like logo, typography, color palette, imagery, creative design graphics, and physical assets.

  • Artworks

    I do artworks for ideas. brands, events, songs and music albums. The form depends on needs, your gut feelings and my gut feelings. One of my favourite forms of creation.

  • Illustrations and paintings

    The whole part of my creation made with my hands. Internal universes translated through ink, paints, crayons and pens. My intimate search for the new symbolism of the world.

  • Exhibitions and compositions

    Changing the space with bringing new elements into the space. Compositions with objects, but also exhibition design. My love for beauty in the three dimensional form.

  • 1:1 Sessions

    Where is your creative source, where is the fire and water that flows? What are you here for? What is the essence of what you do? Let’s meet and try to hear the wind. Polish or English.


My way

My path: dance, connection to essence through the body and reconnection to nature. Connection to the earth body, dancing with trees, feeling your roots and bringing forth vitality. Creation to me means: movement, dance, painting, drawing, collecting objects.